Been a while since I could contribute to this pag Dave and there is no excuse just that I miss you so so mch and if I could have just one more moment of time with you I would hold you so tightly babe and tell you just how much my love for you stays strong and grows stronger every single minute of every single day. Soon be your birthdand the sun is getting more frequent and warmer showing us you are keeping us all safe xxxxx
2nd May 2012
It has not been any easier for any of us but most of all your mum and brothers on a more positive note your brother completed a long cycle ride on the anniversary of your leaving this world the last leg of his journey accompanied with your youngest brother and cousin JOINING IN MONEY WAS RAISED THROUGH SPONSORSHIP FOR THE Somerset AND Dorset Air Ambulance its gives them both purpose and pride in the memory of their big brother many teas still left to be shed an un-healing wound where we now tread love to you my eldest grandson David xxxx
31st December 2011
Nearly time to say goodbye to another year and welcome in a new one. So painful is the ache in my heart David, you will always be holding that precious part of me and guiding us through each year. Pain is a part of our lives now babe but laughter is still their too, as you are the reason why we laugh and enjoy life because your love of us and love we have for you will always stay with us. xxxxx
31st December 2011